Get LA Moving is a grassroots all-volunteer group of citizens who love our great region, but recognize that we must determine and implement solutions to our mobility crisis right now to improve our quality of life. The plan was devised through an open citizen-led dialogue, which continues today.
The primary author of the Get LA Moving Plan and map is Damien Goodmon. Several members of the Southern California transit advocacy group, The Transit Coalition made significant contributions. Numerous other transit advocates, community leaders and many of the region's transportation engineers and planners were consulted, but did not speak on behalf of their agencies.
Jason Law is the site designer and responsible for the updated digital production of the map. Steve Boland of SFCityscape created the original digital production.
The Get LA Moving Plan is a working proposal, so we remain completely open to constructive criticism and new ideas, and welcome (and need) help with everything, including web/graphic design, photographs, video production, engineering analysis, meeting coordination, and on-the-street outreach. We believe that by coming together to collectively use our talents we can help bring about real change that will significantly improve our great region.
We can be reached by email at If you are a member of the press, please place the word “PRESS” in the subject line of your inquiry.